1st trek out to the Bluefin Tuna grounds.
Today’s charter began at 5:00am and the first thing on the agenda was to check our close grounds early. We had no takers. Next we headed to the weather buoy area which had a good temperature break but no life and windy conditions. Our return to the inside found us acres of jumpers and working birds. We immediately hooked a double while landing 1 Bonita to 15lbs. After that the seas went scarce as the fish went back down. We ran to Davenport and boated 7 Lingcod to 15lbs along with 2 Cabezone to 8lbs. Conditions were great nearshore with a perfect drift and plenty of sun. The air was a nice 70′ while water hovered around 62′. The Bluefin are here and close. We will try again soon.